Our Purpose:
Meetings & Minutes:
Next Meeting:
Coming soon. Email [email protected] for an agenda.
Meeting Minutes:
Coming soon.
Board of Directors:
President: Josh Raab
Vice-President: Jacki Christman
Student Director: Paige Joppa
Office Coordinator: Leah Tanska
Director: Kat Weinert
Director: Alexis Hicks
Director: Diane Gonder
Director: Paige Anderson
Director: Dave Erickson
Director: Darrin Seamands
Director: Ally Kornelle
Gift Certificates
Hettinger Chamber Gift Certificates can be used at any Chamber member business & are made in any denomination.
Purchase at the Chamber Office at 120 S Main St, Hettinger, ND 58639.
Membership Benefits & Information
- Business Listings: Chamber member businesses are listed on the Chamber Bucks listing, & on hettingernd.com.
- Chamber Bucks: Thousands of Chamber Bucks circulate through the community each year to keep business here. They are only redeemable at Chamber businesses.
- Membership Decal: All Chamber members receive a Chamber member decal to display.
- Networking Opportunities: The Chamber provides events for you to network & develop relationships in the community.
- Development Opportunities: Chamber members can attend Chamber-sponsored professional development events such as Lunch & Learns & conferences for discounted rates.
- Advertising Opportunities: Chamber members receive free advertising upon request on Hettinger, ND social media pages & on hettingernd.com.
- Business Spotlight: Each month, a different Chamber member is highlighted in the Eido & Adams Co. Record & is eligible for special advertising rates at a local radio station.
7th-12th Grade - $50 | SUPPORTING MEMBER:
Individual or Organization - $100 | SILVER BUSINESS:
3 or Fewer Employees - $200 | GOLD BUSINESS:
4 – 14 Employees - $300 | PLATINUM BUSINESS:
15 or More Employees
<32 hr/wk is considered part-time, and should be counted as .5 employees for purposes of Chamber membership levels.
Supporting members are not eligible for business benefits.
Featured Yearly Events
Coming Soon.
Volunteer Drive
To put on events that attract people to Hettinger & into your business, we need your help! Please check at least 1 event you’d be willing to help with. This is not an obligation, just a tool for us to reach more volunteers. Encourage your employees to fill one out too!
The Hettinger Area Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the Greater ND Chamber.