Now Showing:


Friday: 7:30 PM

Saturday:  7:30 PM

Sunday:  6:00 PM


Adults: $8

Kids (Ages 3-17): $5

Kids under 2: Free

113 N Main St
Hettinger, ND 58639

Purchase Tickets & Gift Certificates at the Community Promotions Office (120 Main St) or at the Theatre directly.

“The Strand Theater in Hettinger burned down in 1984, and almost  two decades later, at the end of August in 2002, Men in Black II was the first show in the new movie theater bought, built, and paid for in advance by the Hettinger Theater Foundation and hours of donated time, sweat and dollars.” 

Since it’s opening in 2002, the Hettinger Theater has brought thousands of hours of entertainment to Hettinger and the surrounding communities. This gem in the midst of rural North Dakota is one more reason Hettinger residents love the place they live!